CONTINUEDContact our Executive Assistant for information on this committee.
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Challenging Racism Continued (CRC) is a committee composed of CR facilitators, who have completed the CR Learning to Lead program.
CRC members are encouraged to develop (monthly) public programs on various aspects of systemic racism in the areas of housing, education, health, law enforcement, and wealth-building. |
DEVELOPMENTChristine Purka, Chair
Meets every month on the second Monday of the month at 1 PM. Vertical Divider
The Development Committee oversees the diversified revenue streams for CR. This includes:
Meets the last Monday of the month at 7 PM. Vertical Divider
GOVERNANCEContact our Executive Assistant for information on this committee.
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The Governance Committee is responsible for how the Board governs.
INTERNAL AFFAIRSContact our Executive Assistant for information on this committee.
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This Committee focuses on all internal and operational issues coming before the Board. These include issues related to finance, investments, capital acquisitions, human resources, and facilities.