Challenging Racism: Partner Program
Partner Program is a three-year collaboration designed to help an organization develop the internal capacity to regularly offer facilitated conversations to employees, members and/or stakeholders. Throughout the three-year partnership, Challenging Racism staff meet periodically with the partner organization to assess progress and plan next steps. Qualitative data is collected following every session, a mid-course review is conducted, and qualitative and quantitative data is collected at the end of the 11 sessions. All can be shared with the partner organization.
Partner Program ComponentsLEARNING HOW - YEARS 1-3
This foundational program brings 16 participants together to learn through eleven 2.5-hour sessions that are hands-on, active, challenging, and story-based. The curriculum uses historical and current readings and provides skill-building and practice with structured-listening and difficult conversations. The group is guided by two trained facilitators. Care is taken to ensure that the environment is safe for risk-taking and honest dialogue. LEARNING TO LEAD - YEARS 1-2, YEAR 3 OPTIONAL This intense 5-day facilitation training program builds on skills first encountered in Learning How to help participants develop facilitation expertise. Learning to Lead provides extended practice of facilitation skills and methods that create useful settings for difficult conversations. Graduates are prepared to facilitate Learning How as Novice Facilitators and to organize informal, entry-level discussions on racism and privilege in their workplaces, communities and families. ALUMNI PRACTICUM - YEAR 2, YEAR 3 AT PARTNER'S DISCRETION Learning How grads need support to effectively employ the skills they have learned in their community. The Alumni Practicum brings them together periodically to strengthen their connections to each other, continue their learning, and practice their skills in leading discussions on race. |